
Check This Out !
16 Oct 2013 | 08:01 | 0 Words

 Hey, this is my old GOSSIP website , sorry guys .. i didnt use the 'SamLysM' blog anymore but its only last almost a month, and 'SamLysm' 's currently has more than 40000 pageviews in only a month!well, Its an excitement to me.. 

So, the reason I created this 'Mr.GosSam' is because my old ones sucks! nothing much there.. So, this time, I reaallllyyyy hope that my latest blog can be more popular ...  

                       " Hey Sam, which of the topics you will post on your 'Mr. GosSam' "??


             Well, not many topics but there's lots of gossips .. Before I say this, I would like you to know that Im not going to get my face popular, but my blog .. Ok, this time, I will post news, celebs, upcoming popular events which is exact same as news..and lots of fun stuffs like HUMILIATIONS ... well, dont blame me ...

              My advise : " If you HATES my blog or me, then you humiliate me, just wait for a big surprise" 

--- Thanks for reading. (:


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